We play 10 O’clock trivia every weekday live on WIXX at around 10:10 am. If you missed answers, you can get last months here.
Friday 4/20/21-Around 1 in 10 adults are embarrassed they can’t do this. What is it?
Answer: Blow a bubble with gum
Thursday 4/29/21-1 in 7 people wish they could stop doing this. What is it?
Answer: Getting the mail
Wednesday 4/28/21-1 in seven women say this needs to be replaced in their home but it keeps getting put off. What is it?
Answer: Toilet seat
Tuesday 4/27/21-According to a new study men make better business decisions if they have this. What is it?
Answer: A Daughter
Monday 4/26/21-9 out of 10 people have at least one of these, and about a third of people have a dozen or more. What is it?
Answer: Refrigerator magnets
Friday 4/23/21-The average person will do this around 5 times a day. What is it?
Answer: Say thank you
Thursday 4/22/21-Four in 10 mom’s admitted they’ve done this. What is it?
Answer: Lied to their kid about liking an art project/picture they made
Wednesday 4/21/21-Almost 2/3 of adults do this every day. What is it?
Answer: Listen to the radio
Tuesday 4/20/21-Almost 1 in 5 parents of teenagers have gotten angry because of this. What is it?
Answer: Cellphone bill
Monday 4/19/21-Over 1/3 of people say they hate doing this at home. What is it?
Answer: Eat leftovers
Friday 4/16/21-Almost 1/4 of parents have done this and some are embarrassed by it. What is it?
Answer: Hide in the bathroom
Thursday 4/15/21-Young people are 4 times more likely to do this than older people. What is it?
Answer: Silence their phones
Wednesday 4/14/21-The average house has 3 of these. What is it?
Answer: Streaming services
Tuesday 4/13/21-2/3 of married women don’t think their husbands are very good at this. What is it?
Answer: Driving
Monday 4/12/21-Around 1 in 30 people have cried in the last year because of this. What is it?
Answer: Computer or technology problems
Friday 4/9/21-Around 1/3 of wives regret this. What is it?
Answer: Taking his last name
Thursday 4/8/21-We spend about 50% less time doing this today than we did 20-years ago. What is it?
Answer: Talking on the phone
Wednesday 4/7/21-1 in 7 moms say this can put them in a bad mood before work even starts. What is it?
Answer: Toothpaste in the sink
Tuesday 4/6/21-Almost 1/2 of people are embarrassed by this. What is it?
Answer: Their middle name
Monday 4/5/21-1 in 9 men did this for the first time in the last year. What is it?
Answer: Read a book
Friday 4/2/21-The average person does this three times a year. What is it?
Answer: Goes through a tube of toothpaste
Thursday 4/1/21-Over 1/4 of people say this is the most adventurous thing they did in the last year. What is it?
Answer: Taking a different way home/to work