We play 10 O’clock trivia weekdays at about 10:10 am. Call 920 406 1011 to play and win, or play along by listening for the answers. Last months answers are posted
Friday 1/31/20-
Around 1 out of 8 people do this twice a day. What is it?
Answer: Hit snooze
Thursday 1/30/20-1/3 of men have confronted their partner about this. What is it?
Answer: Using their razor
Wednesday 1/29/20-
Around 1 out of 5 women never do this. Ever. What is it?
Answer: Color their hair
Tuesday 1/28/20-
1 out of 5 people said they’d rather walk 5 miles than do this. What is it?
Answer: Go to the dentist
Monday 1/27/20-
The average person spends over 2 1/2 hours a week doing this. What is it?
Answer: Complaining about their job
Friday 1/24/20 – You’ll do this around 250,000 times in your life. If you’re 70 or older, it can be 10 times a day.
Answer: Yawn
Thursday 1/23/20-
Over 1/3 of women said if they had extra time in their day, they’d do this. What is it?
Answer: Read
Wednesday 1/22/20-
A new study out finds only half of people know this about their partner. What is it?
Answer: Credit score
Tuesday 1/21/20-1 out of 5 people say they’ve dumped someone over this. What is it?
Answer: They cheer for the wrong team
Monday 1/20/20-For most of us, this happened just under 200 times last year. What is it?
Answer: Robocalls
Week of 1/13/20-1/17/20 Susan Kennedy was on for me as I was in Mexico doing stuff like this:
I don’t know what day she did what questions on, but she did send me the questions and answers for the week. So here they are:
1 in 8 adults admit they can’t do this – Ride A Bike
2% of people say they hate THIS the most about their job – coworkers
1 in 10 people have left a date early for this reason – avoid paying bill
3% of people cry every time they do this – Drink Wine
5% of people say they do ‘this’ once an hour while they’re at work – talk to significant other
Friday 1/10/20-In 1970 men did this about 3 times as much as women. Now women do it. What is it?
Answer: Take pictures
Thursday 1/9/20-
3/4 of men get this by the time they’re 26. What is it?
Answer: Grey hair
Wednesday 1/8/20-
Around 1/3 of American’s have this. The most ever! What is it?
Answer: A college degree
Tuesday 1/7/20-
Only about 1/2 of kids have this. What is it?
Answer: Imaginary friend
Monday 1/6/20-
Around 1 out of 10 women say this is the number 1 deal-breaker on a first date. What is it?
Answer: A messy car
Friday 1/3/20-American’s throw out 9/10 of these without using them. What is it?
Answer: Instructions
Thursday 1/2/20-
About 1 out of 10 people did this last year. What is it?
Answer: Kept their resolution