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I’ve been working at WIXX since December of 1997. I started doing “The All Night Party” for the first 12 years, then moved to 9a-1p where I’ve been ever since.
I love my job. I learned it from my mom. When I was 12, she quit her job to go do something she loved, and it’s something I’ve remembered for years. She quit a decent paying job to try her hand at being a travel agent and she never looked back. It made her so happy, and she always stressed to my sister and I to do something you love, because you’re going to do it every day. My sister plays Viola for a living because she loves it, and now I get to play radio for a living.
I have two kids, Britton and Hudson, and love nothing more than to spend my free time laughing with them. I love laughing. I don’t care who “brings the funny”…as long as it’s funny.
I don’t watch very much TV and I don’t get a chance to see too many movies, so I tend to not be up to date on that sort of stuff. When I do watch TV it’s usually “Seinfeld” re-runs or cooking shows on one of the PBS channels (I don’t have pay TV in our house.)
I love music. I like anything that makes me feel good. Or makes me feel sad. Or makes me angry. Music that can elicit emotions from me is my amazing and I love that power.