We play 10 O’clock trivia every weekday live on WIXX at around 10:10 am. If you missed answers, you can get last months here:
Friday 7/31/20-The average woman does this around 190 times in her life. For men it’s less than 150 times. What is it?
Answer: Call in sick
Thursday 7/30/20-Around 1/4 of married people do this without telling their spouse. What is it?
Answer: Play the lottery
Wednesday 7/29/20-Around 1/4 of people don’t have one of these in their home. The number has never been higher. What is it?
Answer: Another person
Tuesday 7/28/20-On average, this happened to you just under 200 times last year. What is it?
Answer: Get robocalls
Monday 7/27/20-The average family’s house will have 5 of these. What is it?
Answer: Boxes of cereal
Friday 7/24/20-1/4 of men say this is the worst thing a woman can do on a first date. What is it?
Answer: Take pictures of your food
Thursday 7/23/20-Around 1/4 of women say this would prevent a second date. What is it?
Answer: A dirty car
Wednesday 7/22/20-Around 3/4 of people who try this fail. What is it?
Answer: Becoming vegetarian
Tuesday 7/21/20-40 years ago over half of kids did this, now it’s more like 1 out of 7. What is it?
Answer: Walk to school
Monday 7/20/20-Around 1/3 of American’s say it was their dad who taught them this. What is it?
Answer: How to save money
Friday 7/17/20-Around 1/2 of us have this in our vehicle right now. What is it?
Answer: A map
Thursday 7/16/20-The average person does this about 13 times a year. What is it?
Answer: Wash their car
Wednesday 7/15/20-This will happen to the average person 400 times in their life. What is it?
Answer: Paper cut
Tuesday 7/14/20-When couples argue about this, the woman usually wins. What is it?
Monday 7/13/20-Around 1/4 of people would do this if they won the lottery. What is it?
Answer: Divorce
Friday 7/10/20-Around 1/3 of drivers have never done this before. What is it?
Answer: Checked to see if they have a spare tire
Thursday 7/9/20-On average, American’s do this around 145 times a year?
Answer: Eat a sandwich
Wednesday 7/8/20-Around 1/2 of people who do this at work keep it a secret from their spouse. What is it?
Answer: How much junk food they eat
Tuesday 7/7/20-There’s been a 60% increase in sales of this for women in the past 4 months. What is it?
Answer: Flats
Monday 7/6/20-About 1 in 10 adults don’t have this. What is it?
Answer: A credit card
Thursday 7/2/20-About 30% of people say they’d take a pay cut at work if they could do this. What is it?
Answer: Bring their dog
Wednesday 7/1/20-1 in 5 people used to be able to do this but can’t anymore. What is it?
Answer: Pass a driving test