Three of the following are FACTS…one is a FIB (scroll down to find out which one!)
1. In 2018, Girl Scouts of Colorado updated its cookie sales policy to allow Girl Scouts to sell their boxes outside of cannabis dispensaries.
2. The song “The Purple People Eater” isn’t about a purple monster that eats people . . . it’s about a monster that eats purple people.
3. Polar bears don’t have white fur . . . they have transparent fur that reflects sunlight and makes them look white.
4. Fed X briefly got into the video rental business in the 1980s . . . they opened seven test locations in Michigan that rented VHS tapes. They wound up giving up on it quickly to focus back on the delivery business.
AND THE FIB IS…(scroll down)
U HAUL briefly got into the video rental business in the 1980s . . . they opened seven test locations in Michigan that rented VHS tapes. They wound up giving up on it quickly to focus back on the delivery business.
(Mashable / Wikipedia / Wonderopolis / Mental Floss / Canton Public Library)