We play 10 O’clock trivia weekdays at about 10:10 am. Call 920 406 1011 to play and win, or play along by listening for the answers. Last months answers are posted
Friday 5/29/20-
On any given day, 1/4 of women have this in their car. What is it?
Answer: Gym bag
Thursday 5/28/20-
1 in 9 people have thought about moving because of this. What is it?
Answer: Bad cell service
Wednesday 5/27/20-
9 out of 10 children do this, but only 1 out of 10 adults do. What is it?
Answer: Eat snow
Tuesday 5/26/20-
1/2 of employees say their workplace doesn’t have one of these. What is it?
Answer: A dress code
Friday 5/22/20-
The average person does this 38 times a year. What is it?
Answer: Changes the alarm on their phone
Thursday 5/21/20-
A survey asked “What should never have been invented?” This was the number 1 answer. What is it?
Answer: Karaoke
Wednesday 5/20/20-
This is the most frequent argument in the first 10 years of marriage. What is it?
Answer: What to name the kids
Tuesday 5/19/20-
The average man thinks about this 6 times a day. What is it?
Answer: Hair
Monday 5/18/20-Around 1/4 of people lie about this. What is it?
Answer: How often they floss
Friday 5/15/20-
Over 1/2 of women won’t date a man with this. What is it?
Answer: A snake
Thursday 5/14/20-
The average woman has 6 of these. What is it?
Answer: Hats
Wednesday 5/13/20-
Around 1/3 of people have done this because their spouse asked them to. What is it?
Answer: Quit their job
Tuesday 5/12/20-
2/3 of people who have this say they don’t use it. What is it?
Answer: A Twitter account
Monday 5/11/20-On average, it takes moms about 30 seconds longer to do this than dads. What is it?
Answer: Change a diaper
Friday 5/8/20-Around 1 out of 10 of us have one and won’t share it. What is it?
Answer: A chili recipe
Thursday 5/7/20-The majority of women think this is the fashion mistake men make the most. What is it?
Answer: Pants too short
Wednesday 5/6/20-What’s the number 1 rule in your house? This topped the list. What is it?
Answer: Shoes off the couch
Tuesday 5/5/20-
2/3 of parents say it’s easier to do this with girls than boys. What is it?
Answer: Name them
Monday 5/4/20-
A majority of essential workers have this in common. What is it?
Answer: They’re women
Friday 5/1/20-
When on a first date, this assures you won’t have a second date. What was the number one answer?
Answer: Being rude to waitstaff