We play 10 O’clock trivia every weekday live on WIXX at around 10:10 am. If you missed answers, you can get last months here.
Friday 5/28/21-This will happen to the average person just over 60 times a year. What is it?
Answer: Get a pimple
Thursday 5/27/21-Around 1/2 of us haven’t done this in over a year. What is it?
Answer: Made a new friend
Wednesday 5/26/21-Over half of people say they’ve had to call someone to help with this. What is it?
Answer: Finding their parked car
Tuesday 5/25/21-Around 1 in 20 American adults have never done this. What is it?
Answer: Move
Monday 5/24/21-Almost 1/3 of women have broken up with a man because of this. What is it?
Answer: Because he’s stupid
Friday 5/21/21-1 in 5 people say this is the worst thing that’s happened to them on a date. What is it?
Answer: Forgetting their name
Thursday 5/20/21-Around 1 in 10 people over 35 say this makes them feel old. What is it?
Answer: When songs you grew up with are considered oldies
Wednesday 5/19/21-Around 1 in 20 people say it takes them over a month to do this. What is it?
Answer: Respond to a non urgent email
Tuesday 5/18/21-9 out of 10 kids used to do this now only about 1/3 of them do. What is it?
Answer: Jump rope
Monday 5/17/21-Almost 1/4 of people do this immediately after a divorce. What is it?
Answer: Move back in with their parents
Friday 5/14/21-On average we do this 6 times a year. What is it?
Answer: Change a lightbulb
Thursday 5/13/21-The average american spends almost 30 minutes a day doing this. What is it?
Answer: Texting
Wednesday 5/12/21-9 out of 10 people hate it when this happens. What is it?
Answer: When people leave a voicemail
Tuesday 5/11/21-Around 1/4 of people do this 4 times a week. What is it?
Answer: Skip breakfast
Monday 5/10/21-The average person spends 40 minutes on Monday’s doing this. What is it?
Answer: Complaining
Friday 5/7/21-You’re supposed to do this 2 to 3 times a year but most of us don’t. What is it?
Answer: Wash your pillow
Thursday 5/6/21-Almost 1/3 of men say they can do this no problem. Even if they’ve never done it before. What is it?
Answer: Kick a field goal
Wednesday 5/5/21-Around 1 in 7 kids say this is the hardest job mom has. What is it?
Answer: Taking care of dad
Tuesday 5/4/21-Bachelors are over 20% more likely to do this than a married guy. What is it?
Answer: Eat a candy bar for breakfast.
Monday 5/3/21-1 in 10 women say if a man does this on a first date it’s a red flag. What is it?
Answer: Orders a Bud Light