We play 10 O’clock trivia every weekday live on WIXX at around 10:10 am. If you missed answers, you can get last months here.
Thursday 12/31/20-According to single women, this is the number one mistake guys make when they start dating. What is it?
Answer: Call or text too much
Wednesday 12/30/20-Over half of people admit they don’t do this daily but they think they should. What is it?
Answer: Wash their face
Tuesday 12/29/20-This is almost as likely to keep you from getting a job as having a criminal record. What is it?
Answer: Unprofessional email
Monday 12/28/20-It takes half as much time to do this Tuesdays as it does on Mondays. What is it?
Answer: Decide what to have for dinner
Wednesday 12/23/20-1 in 6 women say they’ve done this on their lunch break. What is it?
Answer: Change their outfit
Tuesday 12/22/20-1 in 7 people are doing this less this year than last year. What is it?
Answer: Putting on deodorant
Monday 12/21/20-A new survey asked people this: In 7 words or less what’s your best advice for people getting married. The top answers were “Don’t Do it” and this. What is it?
Answer: Separate bathrooms
Friday 12/18/20-They asked women, “What does your husband do that you can’t stand?” This was the top answer.
Answer: Tickle
Thursday 12/17/20-It takes women 6 days to do this….men it’s more like 10 days. What is it?
Answer: Break up with someone
Wednesday 12/16/20-9 out of 10 singles think this is okay on a first date. What is it?
Answer: Talk politics
Tuesday 12/15/20-In a recent survey they asked people what was the #1 thing you learned from your dad. What was the top answer?
Answer: Grilling
Monday 12/14/20-Over 1/3 of people say they’d break up with someone because of this. What is it?
Answer: Their friends don’t like them
Friday 12/11/20-9 out of 10 of kids will do this at some point in the next few months, but only 1 out of 10 of adults will.
Answer: Eat snow
Thursday 12/10/20-1 in 5 people have stayed in a relationship because of this. What is it?
Answer: They like the other persons family
Wednesday 12/9/20-3/4 of people say they’re constantly disappointed with this. What is it?
Answer: Christmas gifts
Tuesday 12/8/20-10 percent of men can’t do this. What is it?
Answer: Fix a button
Monday 12/7/20-A COVID vaccine is great but now we need a vaccine for this. Top answers were stupidity and what?
Answer: Bad driving
Friday 12/4/20-1 out of 10 women said THIS really makes them feel loved. What is it?
Answer: Fill up their gas tank
Thursday 12/3/20-On average parents do this about 8 times a month. What is it?
Answer: Argue over the kids
Wednesday 12/2/20-Men are twice as likely to tell the truth about this. What is it?
Answer: Whether they like a gift or not
Tuesday 12/1/20-Women hate it when men do this. What is it?
Answer: Wear leather pants