We play 10 O’clock trivia every weekday live on WIXX at around 10:10 am. If you missed answers, you can get last months here.
Susan filled in for the past week or so and here are her questions and answers:
Friday 10/30/20-It takes the average person 18 minutes a day to do this. What is it?
Thursday 10/29/20-You spend 45% of your workday doing this. What is it?
Wednesday 10/28/20-The average woman spends 37 full days of her life doing this. What is it?
Tuesday 10/27/20-Woman say men who do THIS are 90% sexier. What is it?
Monday 10/26/20-One in eight people have lied about this on a date. What is it?
Friday 10/23/20-The average person does this 4000 times a year. What is it?
Thursday 10/22/20-Sorry I wasn’t here and didn’t get the question or the answer.
Answer: I have no idea as I don’t know the question:)
Wednesday 10/21/20-This could add another year and 1/2 to your life. What is it?
Answer: Reading
Tuesday 10/20/20-Over half of American’s only do this once a year. What is it?
Answer: Clean the oven
Monday 10/19/20-6 out of 10 women can do this. What is it?
Answer: Tie a tie
Friday 10/16/20-This is more likely to happen to men than women. What is it?
Answer: Catch a cold
Thursday 10/15/20-2 out of 10 adults do this twice a week. What is it?
Answer: Take a nap
Wednesday 10/14/20-The average person spends about 3 minutes a day doing this. What is it?
Answer: Looking for a parking space
Tuesday 10/13/20-People who do this daily have 20% more friends. What is it?
Answer: Make their bed
Monday 10/12/20-Around 1/3 of managers say this is the biggest mistake you can make during an interview. What is it?
Answer: Not make eye contact
Friday 10/9/20-1/3 of people have never taken this advice. What is it?
Answer: A recommendation from a waiter
Thursday 10/8/20-20% of us have just one of these. What is it?
Answer: Password
Wednesday 10/7/20-If you’re an average woman, you have 38. 38 what?
Answer: Things in their purse
Tuesday 10/6/20-1 in 4 millenials have never done this. What is it?
Answer: Been to a bank
Monday 10/5/20-Besides money, I wish “Blank” grew on trees. The top answer that wasn’t food or drinks was this. What is it?
Answer: Books
Friday 10/2/20-Over half of people say they do this when grocery shopping. What is it?
Answer: Give to charity at the register
Thursday 10/1/20-If you have this there’s an almost 80% chance it never gets used. What is it?
Answer: A pool table