We play 10 O’clock trivia every weekday live on WIXX at around 10:10 am. If you missed answers, you can get last months here.
Wednesday 9/30/20-The average American does this 12 times a year. What is it?
Answer: Buys wine
Tuesday 9/29/20-2 in 5 people do this every time they eat. What is it?
Answer: Salt their food
Monday 9/28/20-If you have this, you use it on average about 8 times a month. What is it?
Answer: Landline
Friday 9/25/20-1/2 of 20-somethings won’t date a person if they don’t do this. What is it?
Answer: Recycle
Thursday 9/24/20-1/4 of men refuse to date a woman with this. What is it?
Answer: A twin sister
Wednesday 9/23/20-The average American does this about 6 hours every week. What is it?
Answer: Read
Tuesday 9/22/20-What makes your house feel like a home? Over 1/3 of people said this. What is it?
Answer: bookshelves with books on it
Monday 9/21/20-This is more likely to happen to you on a Monday than any other day. What is it?
Answer: Lose or forget your keys
Friday 9/18/20-Men do this 4 times faster than women do. What is it?
Answer: Fall in love
Thursday 9/17/20-Women are 5 times more likely to do this than men. What is it?
Answer: Like something on Facebook
Wednesday 9/16/20-1 in 5 people like this at home. What is it?
Answer: The doorbell ringing
Tuesday 9/15/20-On average men do this every 2 years. What is it?
Answer: Buy a new belt
Monday 9/14/20-People were asked what they regretted buying and the top answers were car, gym membership, and what was number 3?
Answer: College Degree
Friday 9/11/20-Around 1 out of 20 drivers have this in common. What is it?
Answer: Driving a new car
Thursday 9/10/20-Over 1/3 of couples say having this would improve their relationship. What is it?
Answer: Separate bedrooms
Wednesday 9/9/20-Only 1 out of 10 American’s do this on a regular basis. What is it?
Answer: Take a bath
Tuesday 9/8/20-1 in 7 men do this every day. What is it?
Answer: Use hairspray
Friday 9/4/20-1 in 20 men carry this with them. What is it?
Answer: Money clip
Thursday 9/3/20-2/3 of women don’t believe their husband about this. What is it?
Answer: Being sick
Wednesday 9/2/20-This is the number one thing guys lie about. What is it?
Answer: Their height
Tuesday 9/1/20-Over 1/3 of people do this when they know visitors are coming over to the house. What is it?
Answer: Light a candle