We play 10 O’clock Trivia every weekday around 10:12 am on WIXX. You can call to play at 920 406 1011. Get last month’s answers here:
Thursday 3/17/22-Almost 1/4 of Americans say they’d have more happiness in their lives if they had a couple more of these. What?
Answer: Cup holders
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Wednesday 3/16/22-1 in 10 people say they’ll never do this. What is it?
Answer: Wear a seatbelt
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Tuesday 3/15/22-1/4 of American’s haven’t done this in 6 months…..and a small percentage have NEVER done it. What is it?
Answer: Use a landline
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Monday 3/14/22-Experts say you should do this 2 to 3 times a year, but most of us don’t even come close. What is it?
Answer: Wash your pillows
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Friday 3/11/22-1/3 of people say they do this when they’re home alone. What is it?
Answer: Talk to themselves
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Thursday 3/10/22-One in four people say this would be a good way to reduce stress. What is it?
Answer: Play an instrument
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Wednesday 3/9/22-Over half of American’s have no idea how to do this. What is it?
Answer: Change their windshield wipers
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Tuesday 3/8/22-Around 1/3 of women lie when doing this. What is it?
Answer: When seeing the doctor
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Monday 3/7/22-Men are 10 to 20% more scared of this than women. What is it?
Answer: Public Speaking
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Friday 3/4/22-When meeting someone new….almost 1/2 of people say someones more attractive if they have this. What is it?
Answer: A dog
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Thursday 3/3/22-Over 1/3 of people say this is a total disaster in their home. What is it?
Answer: The junk drawer
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Wednesday 3/2/22-Around 1 in 5 American’s don’t like this, but we use it anyway. What is it?
Answer: Their bank
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Tuesday 3/1/22-1 in 7 married women have done this in the last year without telling their husband. What is it?
Answer: Scratch or dent their car
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