We play every weekday around 10:13 am. Call 920 406 1011 to play! Get past answers here:
Friday 10/1/21-9 out of 10 of us have this, but less than half of us use it. What is it?
Answer: Dental floss
Thursday 9/30/21-1 in 7 American’s say they judge people because of this. What is it?
Answer: Phone
Wednesday 9/29/21-People who say they’re positive are more likely to have this at their desk. What is it?
Answer: Radio
Tuesday 9/28/21-Single women are twice as likely to do this as single men. What is it?
Answer: Buy a house
Monday 9/27/21-The average worker spends 6 minutes a day doing this. What is it?
Answer: Looking for a new job
Friday 9/24/21-The average American worker spends almost 3 hours a week doing this. What is it?
Answer: Complain about their job
Thursday 9/23/21-Mom’s are 1/3 more likely to do this to their kids than dads are. What is it?
Answer: Keep money found in the laundry
Wednesday 9/22/21-Over 1/3 of parents say that having kids has made them better at this. What is it?
Answer: Driving
Tuesday 9/21/21-Half of teens have never done this. What is it?
Answer: Bought a stamp
Monday 9/20/21-The average woman has 4 of these. What is it?
Answer: Pillows
Friday 9/17/21-Almost 3/4 of Americans do this at least once a day. What is it?
Answer: Google something
Thursday 9/16/21-Over a third of adults will do this in the next month or so. What is it?
Answer: Watch scary movies
Wednesday 9/15/21-On a scale of 1 to 10, the average American says they’re about a 7 at this. What is it?
Answer: Cooking
Tuesday 9/14/21-1 out of 100 women said this is their most prized possession. What is it?
Answer: Wedding ring
Monday 9/13/21-1 in 3 husbands don’t know this about their wife. What is it?
Answer: Favorite color
Friday 9/10/21-The average woman has 6 of these. What is it?
Answer: Medications
Thursday 9/9/21-The average person will do this around 190 times in their lifetime. What is it?
Answer: Cut themselves shaving
Wednesday 9/8/21-One out of every 9 American’s have done this. What is it?
Answer: Worked at a convenience store
Tuesday 9/7/21-More than 1/2 of American’s say they can’t do this. What is it?
Answer: 10 push-ups in a row
Friday 9/3/21-Over 1/4 of people say they’d give up social media for a year for this. What is it?
Answer: Extra vacation
Thursday 9/2/21-Apparently 1/3 of people have never used this. What is it?
Answer: Their horn
Wednesday 9/1/21-An average we do this about 15 times a day. What is it?
Answer: Laugh