We play 10 O’clock trivia each weekday around 10:12 am or so live on WIXX. You can call in with your guesses at 920 406 1011. Get last months answers here.
Friday 7/30/21-1/2 of women did this last year, but only about 1/3 of men did. What is it?
Answer: Read a book
Thursday 7/29/21-1 in 6 Americans have this in their freezer. What is it?
Answer: Money
Wednesday 7/28/21-This is the most frequently told lie at work. What is it?
Answer: My boss is in a meeting/I have a meeting
Tuesday 7/27/21-1/4 of arguments on road trips are about this. What is it?
Answer: Who ate the snacks
Monday 7/26/21-Almost 2/3 of women know how to do this. What is it?
Answer: Tie a tie
Friday 7/23/21-1 in 5 married people said they did this without telling their spouse. What is it?
Answer: Gamble
Thursday 7/22/21-What did you spend more on during the pandemic. This was the top answer.
Answer: Coffee
Wednesday 7/21/21-Almost 1 in 10 people say this is part of their morning routine. What is it?
Answer: Ironing
Tuesday 7/20/21-1 out of 7 truck owners have this. What is it?
Answer: A name for their truck
Monday 7/19/21-1/4 of women say this makes a man unattractive. What is it?
Answer: Too many muscles
Friday 7/16/21-The average American adult has 3 of these. (We only use 2.) What is it?
Answer: Email addresses
Thursday 7/15/21-50 years ago almost 3/4 of American homes had one of these, now it’s only about 1 out of 5. What is it?
Answer: An ashtray
Wednesday 7/14/21-1 in 5 people say this is rude. What is it?
Answer: Hanging up on telemarketers
Tuesday 7/13/21-Over 2/3 of American’s don’t know this. What is it?
Answer: Cholesterol
Monday 7/12/21-over 1/3 of employers didn’t hire someone because of this. What is it?
Answer: Social media posts
Friday 7/9/21-1/4 of Americans say they’re horrible at this. What is it?
Answer: Parallel parking
Thursday 7/8/21-Most of us do this about 50 times a week. What is it?
Answer: Say I love you
Wednesday 7/7/21-Over 1/3 of us have secretly done this at work. What is it?
Answer: Adjust the temperature
Tuesday 7/6/21-A recent survey found this is the number one thing that puts us in a good mood. What is it?
Answer: Finding money in your pocket
Friday 7/2/21-Over 1/2 of people like to brag about this. What is it?
Answer: A sale
Thursday 7/1/21-Men are more likely than women to do this before 10 am. What is it?
Answer: Leave their job