We play 10 O’clock trivia every weekday live on WIXX at around 10:10 am. If you missed answers, you can get last months here.
Friday 2/26/21-Just over 1/2 of us have at least one of these right now. What is it?
Answer: An untreated cavity
Thursday 2/25/21-According to a new survey, parents say this the most. What is it?
Answer: Hurry up!
Wednesday 2/24/21-Around 1/4 of American’s do this every day and about 1/4 never do it. What is it?
Answer: Use cologne
Thanks Corey for filling in!
Tuesday 2/23/21-You’re more likely to do this after you turn 50 than in your 20’s. What is it?
Answer: Sleep naked
Monday 2/22/21-Almost 1/4 of people keep this in their glove compartment. What is it?
Answer: Toothpaste
Friday 2/19/21-Over 1/2 of men say they wouldn’t want their mom to do this. What is it?
Answer: Go through their browsing history
Thursday 2/18/21-Around 1/3 of people live in a house without this. What is it?
Answer: A mortgage
Wednesday 2/17/21-2/3 of hiring managers will turn you down for a job because of this. What is it?
Answer: Not making eye contact
Tuesday 2/16/21-On average it takes men 7 minutes to do this. For women it’s double. What is it?
Answer: Do their hair
Monday 2/15/21-3/4 of people have this in their home right now. What is it?
Answer: Chicken noodle soup
Friday 2/12/21-Around 1 in 10 people won’t get as much done at work because of this. What is it?
Answer: They’re looking for another job
Thursday 2/11/21-Over 1/3 of people refuse to do this. What is it?
Answer: Sharing their food
Wednesday 2/10/21-1/4 of men have done this without their significant other knowing. What is it?
Answer: Used their deodorant
Thanks Jake for filling in!
Tuesday 2/9/21-The last time the average person did this was 5 months ago. What is it?
Answer: Clean out the refrigerator
Monday 2/8/21-1/3 of people say it’s been more than a month since they’ve done this. What is it?
Answer: Used cash
Friday 2/5/21-Almost 1/3 of couples have fought in the last 2 months because of this. What is it?
Answer: They lost something
Thursday 2/4/21-1 in 3 adults look forward to doing this almost every day. What is it?
Answer: Check the mail
2/3/21-A new survey says that employees are happier with this. What is it?
Answer: Free snacks
2/2/21-Women are twice as likely to do this in public as men are. What is it?
Answer: Let someone cut in line in front of them
2/1/21-1 out of 50 American’s will do this in February. What is it?
Answer: Take down their Christmas tree/decorations