We play 10 O’clock trivia every weekday live on WIXX at around 10:10 am. If you missed answers, you can get last months here.
Friday 1/29/21-Around 1 in 7 people want to be buried with this. What is it?
Answer: Their cellphone
Thursday 1/28/21-Over half of people have lied to someone about this. What is it?
Answer: Their food
Wednesday 1/27/21-The average person will use around 60 of these today. What is it?
Answer: Squares of toilet paper
Tuesday 1/26/21-Women spend 3 times as much doing this as men. What is it?
Answer: On social media
Monday 1/25/21-Over half of women say it’s sexy when a man does this. What is it?
Answer: Sweats
Friday 1/22/21-Over 1/3 of parents say they’ve used their kid as an excuse to do this. What is it?
Answer: Buy a happy meal
Thursday 1/21/21-Chances are if you’re going to do this it’ll be Saturday just before noon. What is it?
Answer: Buy a new cell phone
Wednesday 1/20/21-Around 1/3 of people say they do this when they go out because they almost never do it at home. What is it?
Answer: Eat a salad
Tuesday 1/19/21-9% of people do this once a week. What is it?
Answer: Shower
Monday 1/18/21-The average person will spend 7 years of their life doing this. What is it?
Answer: Trying to fall asleep
Friday 1/15/21-Most people don’t start doing this regularly until they’re in their 40’s. What is is?
Answer: Take vitamins
Thursday 1/14/21-Around 1/3 of people haven’t done this in the last year. What is it?
Answer: Read a book
Wednesday 1/13/21-The average person does this 5 times a day. What is it?
Answer: Say thank you
Tuesday 1/12/21-Men do this about 3 times a day, women do it more like 5. What is it?
Answer: Say they’re sorry
Monday 1/11/21-9 out of 10 people don’t remember the last time they did this. What is it?
Answer: Cleaned the vacuum cleaner
Friday 1/08/21-They posed this to people: 2021 is the year I will finally do this. This was the top answer. What is it?
Answer: De-clutter
Thursday 1/07/21-Around 1 out of 7 people say they use this excuse to get out of exercising. What is it?
Answer: The weather
Wednesday 1/06/21-According to a survey of adults under 26 over 1/4 of them have no idea how to do this. What is it?
Answer: Boil and egg
Tuesday 1/05/21-Half of women say they talk about this with their co-workers. Only about 1/3 of men do. What is it?
Answer: Pay
Monday 1/04/21-Almost 2/3 of us haven’t done this in over 3 years. What is it?
Answer: Change their voicemail