We play 10 O’clock trivia every weekday live on WIXX at around 10:10 am. If you missed answers, you can get last months here.
Monday 8/31/20-On average we do this around 75 times a year. What it is?
Answer: Lose the remote
Friday 8/28/20-Twice as many women feel guilty about this than men. What is it?
Answer: Taking vacation
Thursday 8/27/20-The average parent spends over 1300 a year on this. What is it?
Answer: Allowance
I was gone for a few days and haven’t gotten the questions and answers yet. When I do I will post them!
Thursday 8/20/20-This is the top food or drink talked about on social media
Wednesday 8/19/20-One in Four Couples regularly do this. What is it?
Tuesday 8/18/20-19% of Americans believe in this. What is it?
Susan filled in this week
Monday 8/17/20-18% of parents say this is one of their biggest regrets. What is it?
Susan filled in this week!
Thursday 8/13/20-They asked people if you could have a magical app on your phone that could do anything, what would it be. Top answers were teleport, make money, and what was number 3?
Answer: Pick up dog poop
Wednesday 8/12/20-More than half of men under 30 don’t have this. What is it?
Answer: A suit
Tuesday 8/11/20-2/3 of American’s don’t like to do this when they’re home. What is it?
Answer: Answer the door
Monday 8/10/20-Over 1/3 of people don’t have one of these in their house. What is it?
Answer: Mirror
Friday 8/7/20-Susan filled in and when I get the question and answer from her I will put it here:)
Thursday 8/6/20-Around 20% of married people secretly don’t like this about their spouse. What is it?
Answer: Their laugh
Wednesday 8/5/20-Over 2/3 of people say if they had to do this, they’d screw it up. What is it?
Answer: Sing the national anthem
Tuesday 8/4/20-About 20 percent of people always have this with them. What is it?
Answer: Gum
Monday 8/3/20-1 out of 5 people under 35 can’t do this. What is it?
Answer: Tell time on an analog clock