We play 10 O’clock trivia weekdays at about 10:10 am. Call 920 406 1011 to play and win, or play along by listening for the answers. Last months answers are posted
Tuesday 6/30/20-40% of people don’t know this about their job. What is it?
Answer: Phone number
Monday 6/29/20-40% of men have done this on a first date. What is it?
Answer: Said I love you
Friday 6/26/20-2/3 of American’s who don’t do this say it’s because they’re afraid they’ll do it wrong. What is it?
Answer: Recycle
Thursday 6/25/20-Around 1/3 of men will do this in their lifetime. (The average age is 31.) What is it?
Answer: Get a divorce
Wednesday 6/24/20-1 out of 5 office workers have this at their desk. What it is?
Answer: Toothbrush
Tuesday 6/23/20-This will happen a little over 4 times an average week. What is it?
Answer: Get a compliment
Monday 6/22/20-Almost all of us have this in our homes , but only just over a third of us use it. What is it?
Answer: Dental floss
Friday 6/19/20-1 in 10 married couples won’t do this in 2020. What is it?
Answer: Say I love you
Thursday 6/18/20-According to men, this is the last thing they want someone to talk about on a date. What it is?
Answer: Diet
Wednesday 6/17/20-The average woman will do this about 60 times today. The average man is about 8. What is it?
Answer: Smile
Tuesday 6/16/20- Half of women do this every day, and only 1/3 of men do. What is it?
Answer: Take vitamins
Monday 6/15/20-They asked people what scared them the most as a child. This was the top answer. What is it?
Answer: The basement
Friday 6/12/20- Around a third of kids have asked their parents to stop this. What is it?
Answer: Swearing
Thursday 6/11/20- 1 in 10 brides have this in common. What is it?
Answer: They paid for it themselves
Wednesday 6/10/20- Around 1/3 of American’s do this 100 times a year. What is it?
Answer: Use an ATM
Tuesday 6/9/20- If you could hypnotize your spouse to do anything….what would it be? Clean the house was the top answer, what was number 2?
Answer: A massage
Monday 6/8/20-Almost 1/2 of us have secretly done this at work. What is it?
Answer: Adjust the temp
Friday 6/5/20- 1 in 10 people say this is their biggest pet peeve at the grocery store. What is it?
Answer: Chatty clerks
Thursday 6/4/20- According to a new study, you’re less likely to make mistakes at work if you have this. What is it?
Answer: Music playing
Wednesday 6/3/20-This is the number one thing women lie to other women about. What is it?
Answer: How much they paid for their clothes
Tuesday 6/2/20-What annoys you the most about your neighbors? This was the number one answer. What is it?
Answer: Park in front of your house
Monday 6/1/2020-1/4 of adults can’t do this. What is it?
Answer: Name all the planets