OSHKOSH, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) – Oshkosh police want residents to have a safe Fourth of July holiday.
So officers are offering some fireworks safety tips.
The police department says some fireworks are illegal to possess or use in the city of Oshkosh. These include ones that leave the ground or explode such as firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman candles, wheels and aerial salutes. Using or possessing illegal fireworks could result in a $232 citation.
Fireworks that are legal include: sparklers not exceeding 36″ in length and not containing magnesium, chlorate or perchlorate; snakes not containing mercury; and cylinder and/or cone fountains.
Police are asking residents to use caution when lighting off fireworks near people, homes and businesses. Fireworks have the potential of generating temperatures of over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit which will burn skin, clothing and other flammable items.
If you don’t want to light off your own fireworks, some local fireworks displays are going on as planned. Click here to see a list.