We play 10 O'clock trivia weekdays at about 10:10 am. Call 920 406 1011 to play and win, or play along by listening for the answers. Last months answers are posted
Thursday 4/30/20-Almost 1 out of 10 Americans do this every morning. What is it?
Answer: Weigh themselves
Wednesday 4/29/20-
Around 1/4 of men say they're excellent at this. What is it?
Answer: Cooking
Tuesday 4/28/20-
Around 1/3 of people do this every day. What is it?
Answer: Wear a watch
Monday 4/27/20-
1 out of 5 Americans say they have beautiful blank. What is it?
Answer: Feet
Friday 4/24/20-
What was the hardest thing to teach your kids? Number 1 was tying their shoes. What was number 2?
Answer: Whistling
Thursday 4/23/20-According to a new survey, talking about golf is the number one thing that causes people to tune out from your conversation. What was number 2?
Answer: Celebrities
Wednesday 4/22/20-1 in 7 people hate the sound of this. What is it?
Answer: Sound of their own voice
Tuesday 4/21/20-
Around 1 out of 10 people say this is what annoyed them the most about their Ex. What is it?
Answer: Control freak
Monday 4/20/20-They asked people this question: “If I could be 8 years old again for just one day, I'd most look forward to (blank)”. The number 1 answer was “riding my bike.”
What was #2?
Answer: Eating whatever they want without gaining weight
Friday 4/17/20-About 1/4 of people said this is the thing they hate doing the most at home. What is it?
Answer: Changing the sheets
Thursday 4/16/20-
This is one of our top 5 pet peeves while stuck in quarantine. What is it?
Answer: Chewing loudly
Wednesday 4/15/20-
1 out of 7 people say they have to do this before they go to bed. What is it?
Answer: Lay out their clothes
Tuesday 4/14/20-The average man will do this around 36 times today, women on general do it 33 times a day. What is it?
Answer: Use emojis
Monday 4/13/20-
A survey claims this is women's 2 favorite trait about men. What is it?
Answer: Deep voice
Friday 4/10/20-
1/4 of people have done this since the start of the pandemic. What is it?
Answer: Gained weight
Thursday 4/9/20-
Around 1/3 of people say this was most likely to make their dad mad when they were kids. What is it?
Answer: Leave the lights on
Wednesday 4/8/20-
Adults do this 3 times less than 6 year olds. What is it?
Answer: Laugh
Tuesday 4/7/20-9 out of 10 people have this in the kitchen. What is it?
Answer: Junk drawer
Monday 4/6/20-
2/3 of women would rather pay someone to do this. What is it?
Answer: Car maintenance
Friday 4/3/20-
Health experts agree, if you have this, it should be washed every 2 weeks. What is it?
Pet bed
Thursday 4/2/20-Around 1/3 of singles say they won't date someone because of this. What is it?
Answer: They have a cat
Wednesday 4/1/20-Almost 1/2 of people say they'd love to change THIS about themselves. What is it?
Answer: Their voice