We play 10 O’clock trivia weekdays at about 10:10 am. Call 920 406 1011 to play and win, or play along by listening for the answers. Last months answers are posted
Wednesday 3/4/20-
Around 1 out of 10 people do this every day, and around 1/3 of people never do it. What is it?
Answer: Nap
Thanks to Susan for filling in Thursday through Tuesday for me! She’ll also be on this Friday!
Tuesday 3/3/20-1 in 10 couples have broken up for this reason. What is it?
Answer: Political Beliefs
Monday 3/2/20-64% of us do this daily. What is it?
Answer: Drink coffee
Friday 2/28/20-61% of people said THIS would make their lives better. What is it?
Answer: Being more attractive
Thursday 2/27/20-6% of people said they can’t remember the last time they did this.
Answer: Kissed Significant Other
Wednesday 2/26/20-Women spend around 40 days of their life doing this for their man. What is it?
Answer: Buying their clothes
Tuesday 02/25/20-
Around 10% of us think this increases our chances of getting a promotion. What is it?
Answer: Wearing glasses
Monday 02/24/20-Around 1/4 of the Gen X generation had this growing up. What is it?
Answer: A perm
Friday 2/21/20-
Around 1/3 of people say this is the only thing they like about work. What is it?
Answer: Gossip
Thursday 2/20/20-Over 2/3 of women say they want a man with this. What is it?
Answer: A dog
Wednesday 2/19/20-
1 out of 15 people have broken up with someone because of this. What is it?
Answer: They don’t want to buy them a birthday gift
Tuesday 2/18/20-
9 out of 10 of us do this daily. What is it?
Answer: Wear a seat belt
Monday 2/17/20-Over 1/2 of people said technology has made them bad at this. What is it?
Answer: Remembering birthdays
Friday 2/14/20-Men do this 90% more than women. What is it?
Answer: Propose marraige
Thursday 2/13/20-1/4 of adults use this every day. What is it?
Answer: Alarm clock
Wednesday 2/12/20-
We do this 20% less now than we did 20 years ago. What is it?
Answer: Drink milk
Tuesday 2/11/20-Over 3/4 of people under 34 have never done this. What is it?
Answer: Eat a Big Mac
Monday 2/10/20-
Around 1/3 of men hate it when their partner does this. What is it?
Answer: Drive their vehicle
Friday 2/7/20-
It takes just under 40 seconds for the average person to do this. What is it?
Answer: Judge a persons mood
Thursday 2/6/20-Over 1/2 of women have never done this. What is it?
Answer: Drank champagne
Wednesday 2/5/20-Just over 1/2 of us will do this in February. What is it?
Answer: Celebrate Valentines day
Tuesday 2/4/20-A survey asked people how they made a bad first impression at an interview. This was the top answer. What was it?
Answer: Forgot the interviewers name
Monday 2/3/20-Around 2/3 of people say they always do this at home. What is it?
Answer: Wash their hands after going to the bathroom